Grand Jury Presentations

54.       Grand Jury Exonerates Defendant In The Largest In U.S. History Federal Grand Jury Investigation And Media Frenzy Into The Disappearance Of A Prominent U.S. National In International Waters. The case and the media surrounding it prompted a Congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. The Grand Jury investigation consisted of eyewitness testimony, forensic experts, chemical lighting tests to detect blood, forensic measurements, finger print analysis, microscopic trace evidence of all items surrounding the disappearance. Mr. Dayan effectively assisted with the investigation and in fact produced physical and testimonial evidence exculpating his client. Moreover, he succeeded in diffusing the mob-media by advocating for his client in several high-ranking U.S. news papers, magazines, televised news conferences and depositions where he establish his client’s innocents. ( U.S. Federal Grand Jury Southern District of Connecticut)   IN THE NEWS

55.       Grand Jury Exonerates Four Defendants Wrongfully Accused Of Having ties To The Russian Mob, Gang-Assault and Related Serious Charges. Based on the seriousness of the allegations made against the four defendants, sworn to by the two civilian victims, defendants were arrested, incarcerated and zealously prosecuted. Mr. Dayan’s own investigation of witnesses and other physical evidence and the scrupulous presentation of all his evidence to the Grand Jury resulted in dismissal of all criminal charges against all four defendants.   (New York Sate Grand Jury Queens County)   CLIENT REFERENCE #56

56.       Grand Jury Exonerates Defendant Wrongfully Accused By His Ex-Lover Of Criminal Contempt In The First Degree and Several Felony Assaults On Different Dates With Bodily Injury and Other Serious Charges.   Defendant was ensnared, entrapped and knotted in a web of several serious false allegations made against him by his former lover and her husband. Defendant was arrested seven times due to allegations of rape, assault and criminal contempt. He was remanded due to his repeated wrongful arrests. Mr. Dayan’s investigation and his scrupulous presentation of all the evidence and witnesses to the Grand Jury resulted in dismissal of all criminal charges and termination of all criminal cases against defendant. He was released with all charges dismissed and no orders of protection against him.   (New York State Grand Jury Kings County)   CLIENT REFERENCE

57.       Grand Jury Exonerates Defendant, Wrongfully Accused By a Law Enforcement Officer And Prosecuted For Felony Assault.   Police officer falsely accused and testified against defendant, a local N.Y. business merchant. Officer alleged that in the commission of her lawful duty, the merchant physically assaulted her. Based on the allegations in a felony complaint sworn to by the officer, defendant was arrested, incarcerated and was zealously prosecuted. Mr. Dayan’s effective presentation of evidence to the Grand Jury, resulted in “NO TRUE BILL” and all the criminal charges dismissed.   Thereafter, Mr. Dayan’s client received monetary compensation from N.Y.C. and N.Y.P.D for wrongful arrest and prosecution. (New York Sate Grand Jury Kings County) CLIENT REFERENCE #54

58.       Grand Jury Exonerates Defendant Wrongfully Accused Of Felony Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer. Based on the allegations in a felony complaint sworn to by the police officer, defendant was arrested, incarcerated and was zealously prosecuted. Dayan’s effective presentation of exculpatory evidence to the Grand Jury resulted in “No True Bill” and all criminal charges dismissed against the accused.  (New York Sate Grand Jury, Queens County)   CLIENT REFERENCE #55

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